Recovery Friendly NJ
Recovery Capital is Business Capital
Building a stronger tomorrow by empowering communities, businesses, governments, allies, families, and individuals in recovery.
Recovery Friendly NJ
Recovery Friendly NJ
Our Mission
Recovery Friendly New Jersey Inc. (RFNJ), an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation is a state-wide endeavor that builds recovery capital through collaboration with businesses and community allies, to create a supportive environment that empowers individuals and family members affected by substance use and cooccurring behavioral health concerns.
Establishing recovery friendly workplaces and communities is a comprehensive approach to combat stigma and implement practices that encourage understanding, shift culture, and provide opportunities for those in recovery to thrive.
At Recovery Friendly NJ, we work closely with the community and businesses to implement policies, provide resources, and offer training to ensure that communities and workplaces are equipped to foster an atmosphere of acceptance and encouragement.
Recovery Friendly Workplaces
Recovery Friendly Workplaces
The Recovery Friendly Workplace initiative is at the core of the national recovery-friendly movement and integrates the Recovery Ready Workplace practices introduced by the Department of Labor.
Since much of our lives are spent on our vocation, the workplace touches each of the social determinants of health and the four main pillars of recovery:
- Home
- Health
- Purpose
- Community
- Home
- Health
- Purpose
- Community

Recovery Friendly Workplaces create environments that are understanding, inclusive, supportive, and recovery-ready for employees including family members and loved ones affected by the illness of addiction and on the path to recovery.
We collaborate with businesses to develop recovery-friendly tools, training programs and recovery-ready policies that prioritize the well-being of employees in recovery.
Employers, employees, customers, and society all benefit from a Recovery Friendly Workplace. Among the benefits are an expanded labor force, cost reductions, increased worker well-being, increased retention, improved productivity, reduced health care costs and good for the bottom line.
Primary Objectives of a Recovery Friendly Workplace:
Combat Stigma
Combat Stigma
fostering cultural change towards substance use and behavioral health concerns. Recognition that addiction is treatable illness similar to other medical conditions.
Realize Financial Benefits
Realize Financial Benefits
Assist businesses recognize financial benefits from cost reduction, increased productivity, higher retention, improved presenteeism, healthcare savings and tax credits / incentives.
Connection with Resources
Connection with Resources
Employee Safety & Well-being
Employee Safety & Well-being
RFW actively promotes employee wellness and creates a culture of support, empathy, and well-being that can positively impact employee safety and overall health.
Recovery Friendly Communities
Initiated on the success of the Recovery Friendly workplace initiatives, we are committed to building recovery capital through Recovery Friendly Communities across New Jersey. These communities extend the principles of understanding and support beyond the workplace, fostering an environment where individuals, family members, friends and allies in recovery can flourish.
Allies of Recovery

Government Allies
Federal, State & Municipal governments
Law Enforcement
First Responders
Recovery Court
Community Allies
Faith-based & Spiritual organizations
Housing Options
Food Banks
Education Allies
Schools & Collegiate Campuses
Business Allies
Workforce Development,
Chambers, Unions,
Recovery friendly employers
Here are some of the key components to build a recovery friendly community:
New Jersey has wisely invested in establishing Community Peer Recovery Centers in each of its twenty-on counties that are home to key resources for the recovery-friendly initiatives. The peer center network ensures constituents have adequate access and navigation in areas of community support, education, peer support, healthcare accessibility, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery events that improve the success rates in fighting addiction and the lasting effects from the opioid epidemic.
Get Involved
Get Involved
How to Get Started with Recovery Friendly NJ
Whether you’re a business owner, an individual in recovery, or a community member passionate about making a difference, there are numerous ways to get involved with Recovery Friendly New Jersey. Join us in creating workplaces and communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive in recovery.
Recovery is a journey, and together, we can make New Jersey a leader in supporting individuals on that journey. Join us in building a Recovery Friendly New Jersey!