About Us

Recovery Friendly New Jersey (RFNJ) is a grassroots initiative that fosters the growth of recovery resources by partnering with businesses and community allies. The goal is to establish a nurturing environment that empowers individuals and their families dealing with substance use and concurrent behavioral health issues.

Partners / Contributors

Peter Martinak (1927-2022) Memorial

We are grateful for a grant from the Martinak family Estate that funded the initial establishment of Recovery Friendly New Jersey. Peter and Evelyn were inspirational allies to individuals, family, and loved ones struggling with substance use and behavioral health concerns.

Noble Advocacy Alliance

David Martinak, is the Founder of Noble Advocacy, a dedicated champion of recovery and a pivotal force behind the creation of Recovery Friendly New Jersey. David is an advocate and subject matter expert in this field, drawing upon his extensive business background, personal experiences, and active engagement with Recovery-Friendly and Recovery-Ready initiatives across the nation.

RFW Pilot Initiative

The establishment of Recovery Friendly New Jersey is largely based on similar programs in several states and the positive response from an initial pilot in Somerset County. The pilot initiative also demonstrated the important role the network of New Jersey’s Peer Recovery Center network in delivering recovery friendly services.


NH-Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative

KY- Recovery Ready Communities

Contact Us



David Martinak

Recovery Friendly NJ
Morristown, NJ

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